Ibero Microneedle Roller

by Ibero

Microneedle roller with 0.5mm microneedles. Using a microneedle roller stimulates blood flow to the surface of your skin and promotes collagen production. Microneedling evens your skin tone, makes your skin appear firmer and enhances the absorption of skin care products. It can also help to reduce wrinkles and lines as well as acne scars, for example. The microneedle roller is used as a serial treatment: For the first 2–4 times, use the roller every 2 weeks and after that, twice with a one-month interval. Then, take a two-month break. Instructions for use inside the package.Use:How to use:1. Before using the microneedle roller, carefully clean it with disinfectant. Also clean your face and wash your hands thoroughly. Preferably wear gloves during treatment. Cleanliness is key because the roller makes microscopically small holes in your skin. 2. Gently roll back and forth on the skin 4–10 times per spot. Do not apply pressure. Your skin may redden, but there should be no bleeding or other such complications. 3. Immediately after treatment, you can apply serum or moisturiser on your face with clean gloves. 4. After use, clean the microneedle roller with disinfectant, allow it to dry completely and store it in its own box. 5. Do not apply makeup or touch your skin for 3 hours after treatment. Exposure to sunlight and strong exfoliation or other skin care products should be avoided in the following days.The microneedle roller is used as a serial treatment: For the first 2–4 times, use the roller every 2 weeks and after that, twice with a one-month interval. Then, take a two-month break. If your skin becomes irritated, reduce the frequency of microneedling. If reducing the frequency does not help, stop using the product altogether.Important:• The microneedle roller is a personal skin care device. Keep it out of reach of children. • Do not use the microneedle roller on the skin around the eyes or lips. • Do not use the mic...

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